01 September, 2009

september's here!

Oh September, I love you already! This is so going to be my month... the month I take care of myself, the month I put myself first, the month I get back to tracking and exercising and last but no least, it'll be the month I'll succeed! I'm starting over with a clean slate today and I'm going to see a decent loss at the end of September. That's a promise to myself.

And today's our 2nd wedding anniversary! Wow, I've been married to my favourite ever man for two years and I couldn't be happier. I'm looking forward to tonight because I think we'll do something special... Yesterday he was looking things up online and was all secretive, shooing me out of the room and threatening to lock the door should I come near... haha... so yeah, I'm kind of excited for tonight. :)

I'll be back soon with a proper update... I've got SO much to talk about! But I've got to run now or I'll be late for school. See you later!


Rebecca said...

cant wait to hear and i cant believe it's already been 2 years!!

Future Me said...

Happy Anniversary! I am feeling so great about September too! It's going to be a great month, I know it. :)