22 July, 2009

welcome back mr. motivation!

I feel like I'm finally back! For real. Not the 'Oh I guess I should write a post because it's been ages since my last one' kind of back but the 'Oh man I'm so highly motivated I could embrace the world and need to tell everyone in blogland about it' kind of back... Finally!

I think I've got Amy to thank for it. Thinking about my goals and how to reward myself for reaching them seems to be just what I needed! Oh yes, I'm cheap like that - the mere promise of goodies makes me get down to business... Why didn't the prospect of being healthier, fitter and better-looking got me going? I shall never know... because I'm not going to rack my brain to think of the reasons... I'm just enjoying the new found motivation and run with it! :)

Obviously, I'm still very much in love with my reward plan! I even came up with a visual support for the weekly incentive... This is now hanging on the wall in the office just above my desk...

And then I bought these... Lots of stickers that are just waiting to be put on that reward list! Woohooo, I'm so excited!!! :)

This morning was actually time for my second run on the C25K programme this week. I like to run very bright and early, when the temperature is still low and most people are asleep and therefore can't see me... It's just the getting out of bed part is a bit hard for me though, and I almost always have a battle going on inside my head until I finally get up. Or hit the snooze button. Whatever 'voice' wins... :) But today the extra incentive of getting a sticker really helped! I got up, put my running shoes on and went for that run basically just because I want to earn a sticker... haha... love it!


SH said...

Alea - your motivatation and attitude are great! And thanks for posting your progress on your sidebar - I've been struggling since the first week of the challenge, and my scale is also creeping up up up. Thanks for sharing, it's nice to know I'm not along in all of this!

SH said...

I meant to write "alone" - forgive my typos! :)

Alea said...


Sorry, couldn't find your blog since the link on your 'name' doesn't work... I'm going to answer you here instead.

I'm glad the stats in my sidebar helped. Hey, that means something good came out of my gains, right? ;) I wasn't too keen on posting the numbers, but I figured I have to me honest. Honest with myself!

Just know that you're never alone! I think every single one of us has been where you and I are right now... Almost every weight loss blogger has experienced times when they were gaining and struggling to get things under control - even the successful ones. Everyone understands.

And it's only what... the fourth week? We can still turn this around! If I could bottle up some of my motivation and send it your way, I would. Keep at it and don't give up! Good luck!

Oh, and if you see this... could you let me know your blog adress? :)

Rebecca said...

ooohhhh...me likey some stickers!!! especially the smiley ones.

Anonymous said...

OH - I LOVE YOUR SMILEY STICKERS. LOVE THEM. Yes, I love them so much that I had to capitalize that sentence. :o)

Woot! I'm glad you are gung-ho.