10 June, 2009

stepping it up a notch!

This week's result: - 0.4 kg / 0.8 lbs

Oh what measly loss... Do I really want this enough? Because if I do, I definitely need to step things up a notch! It's not enough to start off each week with new determination and then taper off after two days. It's not enough to give up as soon as a slightly challenging food situation comes up. It's not enough to overeat on a weekend just because it's the weekend. And where was my common sense when I thought that it's ok to indulge that much on a weekend because I'll still have two days to get back on track and therefore could still have an reasonably good weigh in on Wednesday? Note to self: It.does.not.work!

Umm yeah... So here I am again. Instead of beating myself up I choose to be happy about the loss. Hey, at least it was a loss, right? And there's always today to make things better! I'm certainly not giving up on my challenge - it might have become a little bit harder to reach my goals because I just wasted a week, but I'll get there nonetheless! That's a promise (to myself).

Last week I also said I would post more pictures... So what better occasion than this (now that I start over afresh once again... haha) to post some new 'before' pictures? I'm not at my highest weight ever, so technically they're not the worst before photos I have, but I still wanted something to compare my eventual nice and slim pictures to... So I made the boy take those typical shots you always see everywhere.

These were taken last Saturday, just before we went out for the boy's birthday dinner... We had a fantastic time! I actually felt really good about myself that day and thought I didn't look too bad... Even so, there's still lots of room for improvement!

Ok, I'm off for a walk - the weather's gorgeous today!


Future Me said...

OMG sometimes I think we have the same brain! I totally could have written that first paragraph!

You are sooo cute, you're pics look great!

Christina said...

I think you look great!! :)

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean with that first paragraph. GEESH. I just need to get it together and really, really focus.

And,your pics are great. Very cute indeed. :o)