05 June, 2009

goals and challenges

There's a lot of great challenges in blogland right now and part of me wants to jump in and join one too. Challenges are fun! The other part of me is a bit cautious though... Sometimes I want too much too fast. It's actually a bit of a weakness of mine: it doesn't take much to spark my motivation but I often lack the consistency to see something through to the end... Especially when I put too much pressure on myself by setting unrealistic goals. And with the added 'competition factor' of a challenge I often find myself under too much pressure... Stupid, I know. But in the past, those challenges didn't work out so well for me: I would start totally gung-ho about the whole thing and then throw in the towel about halfway when I realised I wouldn't meet the challenge's goal. Right now, I need to focus on my own goals and maybe create my own challenge just for myself.

Here's my plan for the month of June...

Weight: 70 kg / 154 lbs
My weigh-in is on Wednesdays and it just so happens that next month starts on a Wednesday... So July 1st is the day. Of course I wish I could weigh less by then, but again, I got to be realistic, right? And hey, it's not that I don't have to work to reach this mini goal... and when I reach it, I'll be already that much closer to my overall goal weight. So bring on the losses!

Exercise: 1700 minutes
This translates into an hour of exercising every day. Sure, it could be more - I've seen some workout schedules of other bloggers that leave me in awe - but an hour a day is already a lot more than I'm doing right now, so there... :)

Food: 4 new recipes
In order to bring some variety into my eating habits, I'm going to try out four new healthy and weight-friendly recipes and blog about them. I've come to love those blogs where people put up pictures of their food!

Accountability: blog, blog, blog!
I'm not going to set myself a measurable goal here... I'm not going to promise to post daily, because it's a promise I could probably not keep anyway. However, I'd love to get back into blogging more regulary since it really keeps me on my toes. I also want to include more pictures!

There's so many other goals or challenges I could set for myself, but I think these four will do for the moment. Remember: not too much too soon! I rather have only a few goals I can stick with.

So here's to a successful month! Let's make it good one!

1 comment:

Future Me said...

Awesome goals! I think you are going to do great! :)