i've been tagged!
Skinny Me tagged me to answer these questions and I'm happy to oblige...
1. Respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention & add one more question of your own.
2. Tag eight other people.
What's your current obsession? Erm... food? I wish I could say running!
What are you wearing today? I'm wearing brown yoga pants and a red (and very old) t-shirt, no shoes... not very fashionable, but very comfortable! :)
What's for dinner? If the weather holds, we're going to have a BBQ dinner with my sister and her husband. Lamb, a fresh salad (from our "garden") and possibly some oven baked potatoes. YUM!
What's the last thing you bought? Apart from food? We ordered/bought a new bed yesterday...
What are you listening to right now? I'm not listening to anything right now, but since the windows are open, I hear cars passing, dogs barking and the church bell just rang...
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next YEAR, where would you go? That's a tough one. There's many places I've already been to that I would go back to instantly, given the chance, and there's even more places I haven't seen and would love to... I'd probably just grab my backpack and travel the world and see where I end up staying.
Which language do you want to learn? I'm currently learning Spanish and obviously want to improve... I'd also love to refresh my French and Italian because I forgot so much.
What do you love most about where you currently live? It's a small and somewhat rural town where a lot of people still know each other. I love it most of the times, even though the gossiping can be a bit annoying... :) Since I live in the foothills of the Alps I also love our proximity to some nice mountain bike and hiking trails - some of them only a five minute walk from our flat. I also love the view of the mountains!
What is your favourite colour? Guess! Yes, it's green... :)
What's your favourite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe? The leather jacket I bought in La Paz, Bolivia. (Even though it doesn't fit too well right now...)
Describe your personal style? I don't think I do have a style... right now I just wear what fits. Something I hope to change soon!
If you had $300 now, what would you spend it on? I'd probably save it for travelling.
What are you going to do after this? Fold the laundry and then curl up on the sofa with my book.
Your favourite smell? The smell of rain or the smell of freshly cut grass.
Do you collect anything? Not really... Pounds maybe? I seem to have a lot of those! :)
What makes you follow a blog? When I feel some sort of "connection" to the blogger... maybe because I can relate to what she/he has to say? I also appreciate a sense of humour.
What's your favourite drink? Water, tea (PG tips or Chai)
What's one thing you dream of doing? Buy a mule and walk around the Mediterrean Sea
What is your biggest regret? What shall I say... getting fat? I try not to dwell on the past too much though. What's the point in having regrets? Oh wait, there's one thing: A few years back we were asked to house-sit a hostel in Canada for a few months, but we declined the offer because we just got back home after travelling for 10 months. We felt we couldn't just up and leave again after having been gone for such a long time. Thinking back now... We should have just done it!
What is your favourite thing to do on a rainy day? Going for a walk in the rain and then come home, curl up on the sofa with a good book and a cup of tea.
Do you have a tattoo? No, and probably never will. I like piercings but tattoos are not really my thing...
What are your favourite books? Oh, that list could be endless... I'm a total book lover and I like all kind of books! If I had to name one, I'd say "Into The Wild" by Jon Krakauer is my favourite of all times. It has touched something deep within me and has inspired me to do things I never thought I would/could.
Are you left-handed, right-handed, ambidextrous, or a little of both? Right handed.
What is your favourite fruit? My preferences change with the seasons... Right now it's watermelon and raspberries. Frozen raspberries are my weapon of choice against my sweet tooth at the moment! :)
Blackberry or iPhone? I really don't care one way or the other.
What/Who inspired you to start your blog? I didn't even know what a blog is, when I surfed the net and by accident stumbled upon Ms Jayme's freewebs site. Her story and especially her pictures inspired me to join WW and eventually start my own blog. I think she became a WW leader, and sadly she felt she had to give up her blog for that. Does anyone remember her?
What are you most happy about today? Oh well, it's a Sunday and I'm off work... And after weeks of rain the sun is shining today! Welcome summer!
Since a lot of bloggers seem to have been tagged already, I'll just leave it open to everyone who feels like answering the questionnaire. Have fun!
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