24 June, 2009


... and I'm NOT talking about my weight here. Trying to get pregnant with no luck really puts an EXTRA spin on your mood swings when Aunt Flo shows up yet again... Allow me a little moment to wallow in self pity. I'll pick myself up in a minute or two and then I'll be back with a proper post.


Christy said...

I know how discouraging the process can be... I'm thinking of you and crossing my fingers!

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

The secret is to stop trying... and it will happen... Thats how it was with my first one... 18 months and nothing.. then after testing the man.. were told it will be virtually impossible for us to fall pregnant.. so we sadly accepted that fact and got on with our lives... 2 months later I was pregnant!! only took three cycles to fall with my second too.. It will Happen Alea... just dont try too hard!

Rebecca said...

i wish i had some guidance but i don't...how about a kinder riegel?!

habe schon ne ganze schachtel davon gegessen und fange jetzt mit den milkyways an...hihihihih