a little background
Why people kept reading my ramblings, I don't know. I certainly wasn't one of those success stories! But having my blog - a place where I could just dump all my thoughts and fears and hopes, gave me something. And then all those friendly people who didn't judge me for my failures but kept cheering me on and congratulated me on every oh so tiny success - they gave me something more. They gave me inspiration and motivation to keep on going! There have been many moments when I was close to throwing in the towel, but I never really gave up because of the support and encouragement I got from my blog friends.
Nonetheless, even though I was officially trying to lose weight the pounds kept piling on again and when I stopped blogging shortly after my wedding in September 2007, I weighed a whopping 83 kg (183lbs) - even more than when I first started! At that time, my feelings ranged from deliriously happy about the wedding and the long honeymoon that lay before us to absolutely miserable when it came to my weight. Not only my body but also my self-esteem were in a sorry state!
You'll see for yourself when you look at these "before" pictures that were taken shortly before we left on our year-long honeymoon...
Being caught unawares is the worst... no chance to suck in the tummy or strike a more flattering pose!
This is me at my sister's wedding... All cheeks and chins! Thank God I was in charge of taking the pictures, so I'm not in too many of them!
And here's me on the morning after my own wedding... Obviously very very happy but (also obvious) very fat too. Actually it's not even that obvious since my arm kind of hides all the belly fat rolls... :)
Here's some visual proof of what was going on weight wise... These are pictures of myself I actually like!

May 2008: Happy excitement on the scale near Quito, Equador! Did you know that everyone is a few pounds lighter on the Equator because the gravity is less strong? I weighed in at 69 kg (152 lbs) - definitely a lot ligher than a few months before, even without the gravital advantage...

October 2008: At a football game in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm amazed that while I still have a roundish face my cheeks and chins are not its most prominent features anymore...
I'll never quite forget the faces of our family members and friends who came to the airport to pick us up... Some of their mouthes literally fell open when they saw us! This continued to happen whenever I saw people I hadn't seen for a year. While some would just steal furtive glances at my new body, not quite believing what they saw, others would compliment me and gush over how good I looked now. I wasn't used to all that attention and even though the compliments were nice and gave me some sense of pride, they also made me a bit embarrassed about my former self. If people thought I look good now, surely they must have found me disgustingly fat and ugly before, right? And then I got the (well-meant, I'm sure) questions and comments like "You are going to stay like that, right? You really have to try now!" or "Now don't go and gain all the weight back, ok?"
I mean, what were they thinking? That I actually wanted to be as fat as I was before? That I planned on gaining everything back?! Admittedly, at some point it DID cross my mind that there's a pretty high percentage of people who lose a lot of weight and then go and gain it all back (and then some), and I also remembered other bloggers mentioning maintenance being pretty hard too... I just didn't think this would be the case for me. After all, I still felt strong and invincible. Does that make me a smug ignorant? Maybe. But i beg to differ. I think I was more of a naïve silly thing who was hoping against hope that somehow, miraculously, it would be different for me. I lost all this weight without even thinking about it, so I figured if I just kept on not thinking about it, not obsessing over points and calories and all that, things would work out just fine.
When I first stepped on our brandnew scale in our brandnew flat, I weighed in at 63 kg (139lbs), merely 2 kg (4lbs) away from a healthy BMI. Yay! Life got pretty stressful right away, considering we had to move all our stuff into our new flat and starting a new job all within the first weekend of being home! So a little gain was to be expected and pretty normal I thought, and I wasn't overly concerned at first when the numbers on the scale started to rise. I still thought I had everything under control and didn't realise it was slowly starting to slip away... I'm sure you can already guess where this story is heading... and yes you're right. Slowly but surely my weight steadily crept back on. I hated the fact that some people expected me to fail but what I hate even more is that it turned out they were right... I proved them right. How could I let this happen?
Today, I weighed in at 74.3 kg (163.8lbs). That means I gained half of what I lost back within only 5 months! Gone is the self-confidence and the feeling of strength. My new clothes don't fit anymore. I'm back to self-conciously tugging at my shirt and hiding in the background. My face is getting rounder by the day and the doublechins are almost back. So are the belly fat rolls. Ugh! Sure, theoretically I'm still far from square one. But I have no intention of going back there! And if I keep on doing what I've been doing for the last five months, that's exactly where I'm heading. So I decided that I'm going to fight tooth and nail to get THAT girl back:

I chose this picture for a reason. For me, this is not just about some arbitrary number on the scale anymore. Sure it would be nice to see those elusive 55 kg (121lbs) that I once set as my personal goal weight, but the world doesn't end if I'll never see that number... And it isn't just about looks either, even though I'll be the first to admit that being able to like what you see in the mirror is SO rewarding! More importantly, this is about being healthy. It's great to live in a healthy body that can do things easily! It's great to be able to run and push yourself to new limits and even enjoying yourself while you're at it! And last but not least it's about my feelings too. I want to feel the way I felt again! I want to have that sense of accomplishment and self-confidence again! I'm not in that place right now. But I was there not that long ago and my body and my mind still remember that feeling of unbounded possibility. I want to be THAT girl again!
So even though I don't want weightloss to take centre stage of my whole life anymore, I know I need to put at least some focus on it to become the person I want to be. I'm trying not to obsess over numbers and points as I might have done before at times, but take a more relaxed and more intuitive approach towards living and eating healthily. After all, it has worked while I was travelling. Now I just need to learn and listen to my inner voice even when the noise and stress of daily life are threatening to drown it out completely... Obviously, I'm not talking about the voice that's telling me to go look what's in the fridge here, but the one that's telling me what my body REALLY needs! At times the difference between the two is hard to tell, but life's a learning curve, right?
I remember when I got married after losing 26 kilos in 8 months... the relatives I hadnt seen for all of that time were saying things like... ohhh wheres the rest of you... and wow... you look fantastic...and all i could think was... gee was i that disgusting before... it is hard to take compliments without twisting them around to make us feel bad anyway!
This time...after losing 4o kilos ovber two years.... I had feedback from a lovely aunty that i no longer have contact with... "she will only gain it all back again"... hmmm Nope love... not gonna happen.. that hurt...and I have managed to maintain for close to two years now... I bounce back and forward with about 3 kilos... I still need to lose more.. but I guess that may happen sometime.. just not right now...
be happy with who you are...and the rest will fall into place... you are a beatiful girl... Dont ever forget that!
Hi Alea,
I just found your blog and really enjoyed reading it! We seem to be around the same weight and height? 5ft 2...total midge! lol. Anyway, i also love that you're a fellow traveler. I just went to Ecuador this past summer for 5 weeks and I lost weight there too....fantastic! lol. Anyway....I think we both struggle with weight, but the good news is....we don't have hundreds of pounds to lose right? maybe like 50? thats not too bad right? we can do it! anyway....keep blogging! it's important and check me out sometime too. I'm trying to keep track of some of the food I eat and include recipes. Where in Europe do you live by the way?
Thanks for stopping by my blog and your great words of encouragement!! I love your stories. Keep it up and I will check back regularly!! You'll get to your goal, it's just a matter of putting things in order. :)
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