20 April, 2009

doing good!

It was a good decision to go back to counting points I think. At least for the moment. I've been getting back into it for the last few days and it really helped me so far. My choices are a lot better and the mindless snacking in between meals has stopped... Great! That's progress, right? I think my biggest problem were always portion sizes though. But by counting points I'm sure I'll get a grip on that too... Right now, the points value of a meal tells me when to stop and I'm ok with that. It'll take a while to adjust but I do hope smaller portions will become normal again. Because they were when we were travelling! When we went out to have breakfast or dinner at a restaurant, I could never finish my meal. I'd always leave something on my plate because I was full and could not eat more. My brain just somehow worked better while away... :)

That's probably why counting points works for me right now. I don't have to rely on my brain or my body to tell me how much is enough for me which is absolutely fine by me, because there's so much else occupying my head at the moment... It's a busy busy time but also an exciting one!

Here's what's going on in my life right now:

  • I'm working on my very first article that's going to be published in May in our local newspaper... That's right. There's people who actually think my writing could be good enough to be published. My feelings about that range from giddy excitement with a sprinkle of pride to being petrified with horror. There's going to be an article with my name underneath it! What if it's awful? What if everybody hates it? What if nobody reads it? What if those people who now think I can do this realise they've been mistaken? Ok. Deep breath. I can do this. At least, I'm going to try. Because having this chance really is a dream coming true! I've always wanted to write. And even though it might not exactly be the kind of writing I was dreaming of, it's a start. And I'm going to give it my all and see what happens.

  • I just got a new job! Yay!!! I had an interview last week and they called me yesterday to tell me they'd like to work with me! That's great news and I'm really really excited and happy to start there. This will be in August, but it sure gives me something to look forward to!

  • Me and my husband were asked to do a slide show and give a speech about our kayaking adventures in Baja California. Again: this is so exciting but also very terrifying! They think our photos are good enough to be presented in a professional slide show! Yay! But it will also mean that we are to stand in front of people and give a speech... Yikes! (One would think a teacher wouldn't be so anxious about that, right? Isn't this what you do for a living?)

  • I was also asked to be the photographer at another wedding. I did all my sister's wedding photos and they turned out pretty good considering I'm by no means a professional photographer. So far, it's only been a hobby really, and something I'd do for friends and close family... Last December I did a shooting with my cousin because she wanted to make a sexy calender for her boyfriend. That was fun! For weddings though, I'm sometimes a bit reluctant to take the job... I mean, I'm no professional and what if the photos don't turn out well? They're so important for the bride and groom! It's not as if I could say "Oops, sorry, I didn't quite get that. Could you exchange the rings again?" I'm pretty sure I'll be a nervous wreck, but the wedding's only in August so there's still plenty of time to get worked up about it... :)

See? My life's pretty busy but also quite exciting at the moment! I like it. There's so many possibilities and so many chances! Counting points and losing weight is just one part of my life - but an important one nonetheless. So I'm happy to say that I'm doing well in that departement.

Have a good week everyone!


Future Me said...

Hi! Sounds like you have a lot of awesome things going on right now - good for you! I'm glad to hear you are doing so well. That is so cool about the slideshow - I would love to see some pictures from your trip. Do you have a flickr or anything? :)

Rebecca said...


Wie schoen das du wieder da bist!!

Und ein ganzes Jahr unterwegs...wow!! Beneide dich total!!!

viel glueck mit allem!

Tiffany said...

Couldn't agree more about the points thing. I've come to the same realization. When I don't count I eat more than I think. And for now, I need the structure of the point system to tell me when to stop. Sad, but true!

green ink said...

Wow, sounds like you're up to some super cool stuff! Congrats on the article, you'll have to let us know when it's published!!