24 March, 2009

this is not goodbye

Hi there! It's me. Again. After all this time. Who would have thought?

For a while, I really fought the urge to delete this blog and just be done with it . The only reason I didn't do it was that I wanted to say Goodbye properly. I always wondered about people who just abandon their blog and disappear as if they've fallen off the earth. You get to know all these wonderful fellow bloggers and for me, it just doesn't seem fair to just leave without saying Thank You and Goodbye... After all the good advice and moral support I experienced through my blog, a kind word at the end of it all seemed like the least thing I could do!

Ha! So much for my good intentions... I guess sometimes life just gets in the way and things happen differently from how we plan them. Oh well.

Right now, I'm just happy my blog's still here. You see, I've decided it's not yet time for me to say Goodbye! Quite the opposite in fact: It's time to dust off those cobwebs that have gathered in the corners, let some fresh air in and spruce up the whole place a bit... I'm here again and I plan on staying for a while!


Anne said...

Welcome back!

Future Me said...

Hi Alea! Glad you're back!